Who is Gabriel?

Photographer & business owner

Full of wanderlust

Thai food and pizza is my thing, really anything sweet and spicy

Inspired by nature, especially large bodies of water

Rainy days set a great mood for photos

Espresso is life!

“Photography for me is not looking, it’s feeling. If you can’t feel what you’re looking at, then you’re never going to get others to feel anything when they look at your pictures.”
— Don McCullin

I am a national award winning portrait and headshot photographer that has shot the cover of and been published in multiple magazines, journals and newspapers. I specialize in capturing the best of people and telling a story through my work with genuine expressions and emotion. My work is wide ranging with many different types of clients that I have worked in the past, including families, models, athletes and working professionals, to small businesses and larger corporations. I started my photographic journey in photojournalism and it has morphed and evolved many times over the years. I majored in Applied Photography in college and worked in the photo studios while I attended school. During my time in photography school I learned an immense amount about the technical side of photography, as well as pushed my creativity and found passion for fine art and design. My professional mentorships have ranged from working with an incredibly accomplished fitness and lifestyle photographer in Santa Barbara, California as well as a bi-coastal wedding and fashion photographer. More than anything, the reason I love my job so much is because I get to make so many great connections and friendships with all types of amazing people! I love being able to show my clients a side of themselves in my photographs that they may not normally see themselves.

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Outside of photography: I love traveling to scenic locations with my beautiful wife and dog, attempting new recipes at home and visiting local breweries or wineries depending on my mood. Thanks for visiting my site, don't forget to navigate to my Blog to view and subscribe to my most up to date work. Fill out the form here to Inquire about working with me.